18 May 2013 - No 16 - A Holistic Mission - Daring to Care

Speaker Elder Laurence Wee (Presbyterian Community Services)
Venue True Way Presbyterian Church
156B Stirling Road Singapore 148947
Next to Queentown MRT Station
Date 18 May 2013
Time 11:30 to 3:00 pm

Registration is free but required. Please register here.


Gospel Proclamation must not be merely word-based but deed-based as well. Asked by John if Jesus is the messiah, Jesus replied “The blind can see, the crippled can walk, and people with skin diseases are healed. The deaf can hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is preached to the poor.” Mt 11:5. 

Our evangelistic outreach need to be accompanied by our reaching-out to the needy.  Yet this necessity to reach out to the needy in our community is often downplayed.  

Come and join us and learn how you can be involved in proclaiming the gospel in a manner that shouts louder than words. 

Our speaker, Elder Lawrence Wee has over 40 years’ experience in social work and serves with the Presbyterian Community Services


11.30am   Registration & Lunch (For those who have registered for lunch)
12.30pm  Welcome & Worship
1.00pm   Talk by Elder Laurence Wee
1.35pm   Testimony
1.45pm   Break-Out Session
2.30pm   Concluding Discussion
2.45pm   Prayer
3.00pm   See You Again