(An update on the Huis serving with OM Ships International by Elder Yeap Eng Hooi)

L-R: Rev Rodney, Sharon Poon (EPMC), Henry Wee (ASPC), Elder Yeap Eng Hooi (EPMC Chair), Paul Johnson (EPMC), Elder Wong Foo Mun (Synod Dir of Missions) and Poi Leng (Mrs Wong).

Rev Rodney and Irene Hui were commissioned in August 2011 by Katong Presbyterian Church and the English Presbytery for a four-year stint on board the MV Logos Hope. A team representing the English Presbytery Missions Committee visited Rev Rodney in December 2011. Here are some excerpts from Rev Rodney:

Rev Rodney (second from right) and Irene’s “children” from USA, Mexico, England, N Ireland, Switzerland,
Germany, S Africa, France/ Congo, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore - taken In Penang, September 2011.

It is hard to believe that we are both on the MV Logos Hope for more than 6 months already. We became “parents” to 12 young adults serving for 2 years from 11 countries. Life on board is full of activities, challenges and blessings. It was a steep learning curve in the beginning but given the time, we were able to know the systems and slowly got to know more about the community of 400 people.

We underwent the one-week Basic Safely Training (fire-fighting, survival at sea and emergency first aid). Irene actually jumped from a 5-meter platform into the water in a life-jacket. We teamed up to put upright an overturned and fairly large life-raft. Quite a feat!”

MV Logos Hope

In the 4 ports in Malaysia, more than 400,000 visitors came on board to visit the Book Fair or attend some events. At almost every meeting, people would stand up and make commitments either in discipleship or in missions.

Sail on Rodney!